Peter Navarro ist Professor für Makroökonomie an der University of California, Irvine. 1986 promovierte er an der Harvard University in Wirtschaft. Der Ökonom schreibt regelmäßig Artikel zu Wirtschafts-, Energie- und Umweltfragen für den Harvard Business Review", das "Wall Street Journal", die "New York Times" und die "Washington Post". Navarro ist bekannt durch Fernsehauftritte bei CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg TV und anderen großen Nachrichtensendern.
Casting Blame for Jobs That Vanish
‘Death by China,’ Documentary Directed by Peter Navarro
By the end of the alarming and alarmist “Death by China” you may be asking why candidates for public office in this election year are talking about anything other than how to stop the Chinese from wrecking our economy.
“American companies cannot compete because they’re not competing with Chinese companies, they’re competing with the Chinese government,” Daniel M. Slane of theUnited States-China Economic and Security Review Commission says.
The film undercuts its argument with an abundance of inflammatory language and cheesy graphics — lots of animated planes dropping bombs as a metaphor for the destruction of American jobs and such. It is also unabashedly one-sided and is short on solutions, other than the usual “Call your Congressional representatives.” But its message, despite the hyperbole, certainly warrants examination and discussion.ölvorkommen&source=bl&ots=MM65A36Maw&sig=_RhlQZayv3JNVcGbJUMKdZDcbjs&hl=de&sa=X&ei=mPm_UKnWOcSF4ATdioCICg&ved=0CDkQ6AEwAjgU#v=onepage&q&f=false
Der Kampf um die Zukunft
Die Welt im chinesischen Würgegriffölvorkommen&source=bl&ots=MM65A36Maw&sig=_RhlQZayv3JNVcGbJUMKdZDcbjs&hl=de&sa=X&ei=mPm_UKnWOcSF4ATdioCICg&ved=0CDkQ6AEwAjgU#v=onepage&q&f=false